Coal Age

JUL 2015

Coal Age Magazine - For more than 100 years, Coal Age has been the magazine that readers can trust for guidance and insight on this important industry.

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July 2015 41 become a standard piece of mine rescue equipment for every mine rescue team," he said. Main said one of MSHA's goals, par- ticularly in the short term, is to equip all four of the agency's mobile mine emer- gency units with this state-of-the-art communications, tracking and monitor- ing system; that will likely occur later this year. Additionally, he wants to see improvements in seismic equipment for better through-the-earth detection of trapped miners; improved robotics for use in lieu of human exploration in underground mines; and also updated training and guidance for command and control during mine emergencies, includ- ing the implementation of the systems. "Together, these improvements will enable faster and safer rescue operations by reducing the potential for miscommu- nication and providing real-time infor- mation to decision-makers," he said. "Ultimately, it means we will be better prepared to come to the aid of our nation's miners if danger strikes." d i s a s t e r t r a i n i n g c o n t i n u e d 6SHFLDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUVWDWLFÁXPHDSSOLFDWLRQVWKHQHZ&XWWHU; VFUHHQSDQHOLVSDUWLFXODUO\HIIHFWLYHIRUGHZDWHULQJDQGKHDY\ PHGLDUHFRYHU\ &XWWHUSDQHOVKDYHJUHDWLPSDFWUHVLVWDQWFDSDELOLWLHV; DQGDUHLQVWDOOHGVORWDJDLQVWÁRZZLWKDFXWWLQJHGJH KLJKHURQWKHIHHGVLGHDQGORZHURQWKHGLVFKDUJHVLGH WRIXQQHOZDWHUGRZQDQGLQWRWKHDSHUWXUHV &XWWHUSDQHOVDUHDYDLODEOHLQD;µ[µVL]HZLWKHLWKHU SLQRUVQDSIDVWHQLQJRSWLRQV Call us at 1-864-579-4594 or visit WRÀQGWKH3RO\GHFN5HJLRQDO0DQDJHULQ\RXUDUHD Donning SCBAs, rescuers from some of CONSOL's teams communicate before heading to the active section. Nationwide Mine Rescue Teams MSHA has an online tool/reference guide that includes all of the mine res- cue teams currently active in the U.S. Broken down by state into two main categories, coal and metal/nonmetal, the resource indicates the number of teams as well as their locations, equip- ment in use, the number of mines each crew covers, and how often members train. The tool is available at www.msha. gov/minerescue/MAP/ASP/mineres- cuehome.asp.

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